This pearl and lampwork glass necklace has enough black to formalize it and enough bright orange to make it lively. The creamy colors in the focal bead also help to subdue it in perfect proportion to the rest of the piece. This bead, created by Carol Colgan Designs, carries with it the creator's whimsical imagination.
This necklace measures 17 3/4" from end to end, including the clasp.
A pearl is a hard object produced within the soft tissue of a living shelled mollusk. A pearl is made up of calcium carbonate in minute crystalline form, which has been deposited in concentric layers. Pearls come in a bewildering variety of shapes, colors and sizes, round, oval, Keishi, Baroque (potato), Biwa, and button. Keishi Pearls are accidents which happen when the mollusk rejects the nucleus and grows a 'free form' pearl.
Lampwork glass is glasswork that uses a gas fueled torch to melt rods and tubes of glass. Once in a molten state, the glass is formed by blowing and shaping with tools and hand motions. It is also known as flameworking or torchworking.